translateR Documentation

Translates an R function into a C++ function.


An R function is translated to C++ source code and afterwards the code is compiled.
The result can be an external pointer (XPtr) or an R function.
The default value is an R function.
Further information can be found in the vignette: Detailed Documentation.


    output = "R",
    types_of_args = "double",
    data_structures = "vector",
    handle_inputs = "copy",
    references = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    getsource = FALSE



The function which should be translated from R to C++.


If set to 'R' an R function wrapping the C++ code is returned.
If output is set to 'XPtr' an external pointer object pointing to the C++ code is returned.
The default value is 'R'.


define the types of the arguments passed to the function as an character vector.
The character vector should be either of length 1 or has the same length as the number of arguments to the function.
In case the output is set to 'R' 'logical', 'int' or 'double' are available.
If the 'XPtr' interface is used additionally 'const logical', 'const int' and 'const double' can be chosen.
For more information see below for details and check the vignette InformationForPackageAuthors.


defines the data structures of the arguments passed to the function (as an character vector).
The character vector should be either of length 1 or has the same length as the number of arguments to the function.
In case the output is set to 'R' one can chose between 'scalar' and 'vector'.
If the output is set to 'XPtr' one can set a data structure to 'scalar', 'vector' or 'borrow.


defines how the arguments to the function should be handled as character vector.
The character vector should be either of length 1 or has the same length as the number of arguments to the function.
In case the output is an R function the arguments can be either copied ('copy') or borrowed ('borrow').
If you chose borrow R objects which are passed to the function are modified.
This is in contrast to the usual behaviour of R.

If the output is an XPtr the arguments can be only borrowed ('borrow').
In case only part of the arguments should be borrowed than an empty string ("") can be used to indicate this.


defines whether the arguments are passed by reference or whether they are copied. This is indicated by a logical vector.
The logical vector should be either of length 1 or has the same length as the number of arguments to the function.
If set to TRUE the arguments are passed by reference otherwise not. This option can be only used when the output is set to 'XPtr'


If set to TRUE the output of the compilation process is printed.


If set to TRUE the function is not compiled and instead the C++ source code itself is returned.


Type system

Each variable has a fixed type in a C++ program.
In ast2ast the default type for each variable is a data structure called 'vector'.
Each object in 'vector' is as default of type 'double'. Notably, it is defined at runtime
whether a variable is a 'vector' in the sense of on R vector or it is a matrix.

Types of arguments to function

The types of the arguments to the function are set together of:

  1. types_of_args; c("int", "int")

  2. data_structures; c("vector", "scalar")

  3. handle_inputs; c("borrow", "")

  4. references; c(TRUE, TRUE)

In this example this results in: ⁠ f(etr::Vec<int>& argumentNr1Input, int& argumentNr2) { etr::Vec<int, etr::Borrow<int>> argumentNr1(argumentNr1Input.d.p, argumentNr1Input.size()); ... rest of function code } ⁠

Types within the function

As mentioned above the default type is a 'vector' containing 'doubles'
Additionally, it is possible to set specific types for a variable.
However, the type cannot be changed if once defined. It is possible to define the following types:

  1. logical

  2. int

  3. double

  4. logical_vector

  5. int_vector

  6. double_vector

The first three mentioned types are scalar types.
These types cannot be resized. Meaning that the behave like a vector of length 1,
which cannot be extended to have more elements. Notably, the scalar values cannot be subsetted.
The advantage is that scalar values need less memory.

declare variable with type

The variables are declared with the type by using the
'::' operator. Here are some examples: ⁠ f <- function() { d::double <- 3.14 l::logical <- TRUE dv::int_vector <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 2) } ⁠


As mentioned above it is possible to borrow arguments to a function.
Thus, R objects can be modified within the function.
Please be aware that it is not possible to resize the borrowed variable,
Therefore, the code below throws an error. Here an example: ⁠ f <- function(a, b, c) { a[c(1, 2, 3)] <- 1 b <- vector(length = 10) c <- vector(length = 1) } fcpp <- ast2ast::translate(f, handle_inputs = "borrow") a <- b <- c <- c(1, 2, 3) fcpp(a, b,c) ⁠


One can use the function set_deriv and get_deriv in order to
calculate the derivative with respect to the variable which is currently set.
The derivatives can be extracted by using the function 'get_deriv'.
⁠ set_deriv(x) y = x*x dydx = get_deriv(y) ⁠

The following functions are supported:
  1. assignment: = and <-

  2. allocation: vector, matrix and rep

  3. information about objects: length and dim

  4. Basic operations: +, -, *, /

  5. Indices: '[]' and at

  6. mathematical functions: sin, asin, sinh, cos, acos, cosh, tan, atan, tanh, sqrt, log, ^ and exp

  7. concatenate objects: c

  8. control flow: for, if, else if, else

  9. comparison: ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=

  10. printing: print

  11. returning objects: return

  12. catmull-rome spline: cmr

  13. to get a range of numbers the ':' function can be used

  14. and is.infinite can be used to test for NA and Inf.

Some details about the implemented functions


If output is set to R an R function is returned. Thus, the C++ code can directly be called within R.
In contrast a function which returns an external pointer is generated if the output is set to XPtr.


 # Further examples can be found in the vignettes. 
    ## Not run: 
      f <- function() {
        print("Hello World!")
      fcpp <- ast2ast::translate(f)

      # Translating to external pointer
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      f <- function() {
        print("Hello World!")
      pointer_to_f_cpp <- ast2ast::translate(f,
                                             output = "XPtr", verbose = TRUE

      Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = "
                      #include <Rcpp.h>
                      typedef void (*fp)();

                      // [[Rcpp::export]]
                      void call_fct(Rcpp::XPtr<fp> inp) {
                        fp f = *inp;
                        f(); } ")


      # Run sum example:
      # ==========================================================================

      # R version of run sum
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      run_sum <- function(x, n) {
        sz <- length(x)

        ov <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = sz)

        ov[n] <- sum(x[1:n])
        for (i in (n + 1):sz) {
          ov[i] <- ov[i - 1] + x[i] - x[i - n]

        ov[1:(n - 1)] <- NA


      # translated Version of R function
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      run_sum_fast <- function(x, n) {
        sz <- length(x)
        ov <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = sz)

        sum_db <- 0
        for (i in 1:n) {
          sum_db <- sum_db + at(x, i)
        ov[n] <- sum_db

        for (i in (n + 1):sz) {
          ov[i] <- at(ov, i - 1) + at(x, i) - at(x, i - at(n, 1))

        ov[1:(n - 1)] <- NA

      run_sum_cpp <- ast2ast::translate(run_sum_fast, verbose = FALSE)
      x <- rnorm(10000)
      n <- 500
      one <- run_sum(x, n)
      two <- run_sum_cpp(x, n)

## End(Not run)